Welcome to CoolBean!

A Visual Guide To Soybean Growth Stages

Understanding and being able to correctly identify the growth stages of soybean is important for making sound agronomic management decisions.

This UW-Extension website offers the latest soybean research and information for growers.

The soy checkoff and Shawn Conley, state soybean extension specialist, created The Soybean Report blog to communicate research directly with growers.

To join the Coolbean.info list-serve and receive up-to-date information related to Midwest soybean and small grains production simply email ext-coolbean_info+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu

From the Blog

Be Cautious With Your Wheat Nitrogen Timing this Spring

With record high temperatures predicted this week if your winter…

Is My Winter Wheat at Risk?

Warm weather coupled with lack of snow cover have prompted many…

Joe Zenz Tops the 2011 Wisconsin Soybean Yield Contest

Joe Zenz from Lancaster topped the 2011 Non-Irrigated WI Soybean…

Finalists for the 2011 WI Soybean Yield Contest are Announced

2011 was another great year to be a soybean producer in Wisconsin.…

Cool Bean is part of the WSMB network of agronomy and research experts.