Wheat Variety Trial Results are generally available starting the second week of August each year. They are distributed first on this web site, and in the through WI Crop Manager in a PDF format.

On this website, variety trial results are available in a couple formats, depending on your usage.

Year Winter Wheat Winter Wheat Oat and Barley

PDF versions - Download Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader first, and then use the Reader to read and print Excel version - Download and use Microsoft (R) Excel 2000 for the data tables

NOTE: Some users may need to press the 'Shift' key (IBM clones) or the 'Option' key (Macintosh users) or the right mouse button while clicking on the file name to download.

2024 Coming Soon Excel Not Available
2023 PDF Excel Not Available
2022 PDF Excel Not Available
2021 PDF Excel Not Available
2020 PDF Excel PDF
2019 PDF Excel  PDF
2018 PDF Excel  PDF
2017 PDF Excel  PDF
2016 PDF Excel PDF
2015 PDF Excel Regrettably unavailable this year.
2014 PDF Excel PDF
2013 PDF Excel PDF
2012 PDF N/A PDF
2011 PDF Excel PDF
2010 PDF Excel PDF
2009 PDF Excel PDF
2008 PDF Excel PDF