Unlocking Potential: Impact of New RMA Soybean Planting Dates in Wisconsin
Research across the Midwest has shown that early-planted soybean…

Scout Your Late and Re-Planted Soybean Fields for Rising Soybean Aphid Numbers
Shawn P. Conley and Christian Krupke
A majority of the Wisconsin…

A Tank Full of Sugar Helps the Profits Go Down
Adapted from original article written 6/1/2015.
Its been a…
Wheat Disease Update For June
We are currently in the process of examining the winter wheat…
Slow Growth of Crops Caused by Less Than Normal Heat Units
Heat units are a major driving force behind soybean and wheat…
Rust Report for Wheat and Soybean
Wheat: Wheat leaf rust is on the increase in the Southern U.S.,…
Flag Leaf Emergence - Decision Time
Much of the winter wheat in the state is at the flag leaf growth…
Soil Temperatures and Soybean Emergence
In our soybean seed size experiment we have been monitoring …
Wheat Diagnostics: Tan Spot and Septoria Leaf Blotch
For those who have been scouting wheat this spring and also read…
What About Soybean Rust?
I have been monitoring reports from the southern U.S. to determine…