Access a Wealth of Crop Management Info Courtesy of the Soybean Checkoff


As part of its tech transfer efforts, the United Soybean Board purchased 500 one-year subscriptions to the Plant Management Network (PMN) for soybean growers and the consultants who work for them. These subscriptions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and they are intended for individuals who did not subscribe during USB’s 500-subscription promotion last fall.

This subscription includes access to PMN’s entire collection of “Focus on Soybeans” webcasts. More than 50 soybean webcasts have been produced to date, and they feature actionable crop management information from experts who work in the field. PMN subscriptions also include access to nearly 8,000 fungicide, nematicide, insecticide, and biological control trials; more than 1,000 applied crop management research articles; nearly 3,000 crop management news articles; about 5,000 images; tens of thousands of extension documents, and other information useful for growers and consultants. All this information is located through in one central website and searchable by keyword.

You can sign up for a free one-year subscription to all the Plant Management Network’s content through the signup form at the following short link:

Just enter the required contact information, scroll down toward the bottom of the page, enter your preferred username and password, and click “submit”. Make sure to record your username and password on paper for safekeeping.

Once you subscribe, you’ll get article alerts once a month in the form of PMN’s Update newsletter. Click through to whatever content you like. If it’s subscriber-only content, you’ll be prompted to fill in your username and password.

Here’s a listing of PMN’s soybean-inclusive resources, all of which can be accessed through Focus on Soybean

There are only 500 subscriptions, and they went quick the last time this was done. So please fill out the signup form as soon as possible!

Interseeding Red Clover with No Frost and Advancing Wheat Growth Stage

The unusually warm weather of the past few weeks prevented traditional conditions for frost seeding from developing and also accelerated winter wheat development. Successful interseeding is still possible if the soil surface is dry and cracked, but the wheat grow stage should be should be checked to determine the potential for creating wheel tracks. Most wheat in extreme Southeast Wisconsin is at the Zadoks 30 or “Pseudostem erection” stage, meaning the growing point is above the soil surface and a small hollow cavity has formed at the base of the stem. From this point on, wheel traffic has the potential to break the stem, creating permanent tracks and reduced yield. If this is the case, plans for broadcasting seed alone with an ATV mounted seeder should be abandoned in favor of applying seed with N fertilizer using commercial scale air-flow equipment to minimize the number of wheel tracks and associated yield loss. Please visit “Verify Wheat Growth Stage Before Applying Growth Regulator Herbicides” which contains an image of wheat at the Zadoks 30 stage.

For more information please see Frost Seeding Red Clover in Winter Wheat

Verify Wheat Growth Stage Before Applying Growth Regulator Herbicides

Unconfirmed reports of wheat that is approaching jointing near the WI/IL border prompted an unexpected field trip to the Arlington Research Station today to confirm crop growth stage. Our inspection of the wheat crop found that the wheat head is right at the soil surface and nearly at the Pseudostem erection crop growth stage (Zadoks 30; Feekes 4-5; Image 1). As a point of reference we normally do not reach this crop growth stage until May 1st. As we move forward over the next few weeks it is imperative that retailers and growers properly identify the wheat crop growth stage before applying dicamba or 2,4-D. When wheat has a visible joint (Feekes 6), wheat can be very sensitive to dicamba and 2,4-D herbicides. If we remember back to 2009 we had several reports of 80 bushel wheat dropping to 20 bushel wheat when dicamba was applied at Feekes 6. After jointing there are several other herbicides that can be safely used. Please refer to Pest Management in WI Field Crops Bulletin A3646 for these options.

Please click to view a YouTube video on Identifying the Hollow Stem and Jointing Growth Stages in Wheat

Image 1. Feekes 4-5 or Zadoks 30 growth stage in wheat

Be Cautious With Your Wheat Nitrogen Timing this Spring

With record high temperatures predicted this week if your winter wheat crop had not broken dormancy it soon will. I would like to caution growers and retailers to not get too anxious to apply N yet this spring. It is important to remember that the functional purpose of spring N is to 1. stimulate tillering and 2. provide crop nutrition. If ample tillering (> 70 tillers per square foot) has occurred growers can delay N applications up to pre-joint (Feekes 4-5; Zadoks 30). This practice will aid in minimizing early spring N loss. Applications of N made after this growth stage may lead to wheel track damage. If growers have < 70 tillers per square foot it is important to get across those fields as soon as possible to minimize yield loss due to low tiller/head counts. My concern related to an early application of N to a well tillered wheat crop is that we will stimulate crop growth and development which may increase the risk of yield damage if we get a sudden cold snap. I do not have a crystal ball but I would bet we have another heavy frost in our future. For more information related to freeze damage to winter wheat and to assess your risk for yield loss please read Know Your Wheat Growth Stage to Predict Wheat Freeze Injury.

For more information on assessing winter wheat stands please view Wheat Stand Assessment and Nitrogen Timing

Is My Winter Wheat at Risk?

Warm weather coupled with lack of snow cover have prompted many questions regarding the relative winterhardiness of Wisconsin’s winter wheat crop. Though daytime temperatures have risen into the 40’s continued night time temperatures below freezing have prompted wheat plants to maintain a winterhardy state. Relatively speaking the WI winter wheat crop is at more risk to winterkill if we get a sudden and prolonged severe cold snap than in “normal” years however following my inspection of the Chilton variety trial site on 2/17/12 (Image above) my overall concern is very low.

Joe Zenz Tops the 2011 Wisconsin Soybean Yield Contest

Joe Zenz from Lancaster topped the 2011 Non-Irrigated WI Soybean Yield contest at 92.8 bu a-1 planting Asgrow 2403. Jason Weigel from S+W Farms LLC, Platteville placed second at 89.7 bu a-1 with Dairyland DSR-2770/RR and last year’s winner Rick Devoe from RnK Devoe Farms, Monroe placed third at 87.4 bu per a-1 with Pioneer 92Y51. In the irrigated division Nicholas Viney from Badgerland Grain Farms LLC, Edgerton took first place at 74.1 bu per a-1 with Asgrow AG2330. Andy Bensend from AB Farms, Dallas placed second at 42.8 bu per a-1 planting Pioneer 91M10.

Finalists for the 2011 WI Soybean Yield Contest are Announced

2011 was another great year to be a soybean producer in Wisconsin. Even with the production challenges growers faced across the state the average yield was 47 bu/ acre (NASS, 2011) which ranked third nationwide. We also saw a significant increase in the number of entries into the 2011 WSA/WSMB Soybean Yield Contest. The top three entries in the non-irrigated class (in no particular order) were: RnK Devoe Farms, Monroe (planted Pioneer 92Y51), Zenz Farms, Lancaster (planted Asgrow 2403), and S+W Farms LLC, Platteville (planted Dairyland DSR2770/RR). The top two entries in the irrigated class (in no particular order) were: AB Farms, Dallas (planted Pioneer 91M10) and Badgerland Grain Farms LLC, Edgerton (planted Asgrow 2330). The final ranking and awards will be presented at the 2012 Corn Soy Expo to be held at the Kalahari Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells on Thursday February 2nd. The contest is sponsored by the WI Soybean Program and organized to encourage the development of new and innovative management practices and to show the importance of using sound cultural practices in WI soybean production.

For more information please contact Shawn Conley, WI State Soybean Specialist at 608-262-7975 or

Fall Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode

With soybean harvest almost complete I just wanted to remind everyone that the UW-Madison Agronomy Department, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board, is offering free soybean cyst nematode (SCN) soil testing for Wisconsin growers. This program is intended for growers to sample several of their fields in order to identify if SCN is present and at what levels. For a detailed history of this program as well as the current state of SCN in WI please see Soybean Cyst Nematode Sampling and Testing in Wisconsin.

Growers will be responsible for collecting soil from fields suspected to have SCN and then sending the sample to the SCN testing laboratory for analysis. They will receive a lab report back with the SCN egg count and a brochure to help plan future rotations and other cultural practices to lower SCN infestation if they exist.

We have a limited number of these free kits available and will furnish them on a first come – first served basis at up to four per farm. Crop consultants, advisors, and crop input retailers are encouraged to request kits for their client’s farms. Each kit has a bag and a prepaid mailer for one soil sample, which should represent about 10-15 acres. Both the postage and lab fees are prepaid ($50 value). Anytime before, during, or right after the growing season are great times to collect soil samples for routine soil fertility analysis and for SCN monitoring.

Soil sample test kits are available now and can be requested from My Linh Do at My Linh Do or at 608-262-1390.

For more information on SCN testing and management practices to help reduce the losses from this pest, please contact: Shawn Conley:; 608-262-7975.

Don’t Let Your Harvest Go Up in Smoke!

With only 5% of corn acres harvested as grain complete and 2% of soybeans harvested (compared to last year’s 20%) as of the most recent (October 3, 2011) USDA Wisconsin Crop Progress Report, those running combines, trucks and other harvest equipment are in for a super busy October. It’s important to use the few extra moments and rainy days you do have to take extra steps to reduce the risk of a catastrophic combine fire. The risk is higher when you’re going all out to get the crop out of the field before the first snow flies, especially if you don’t take the time to keep your machine clean and take care of all the required maintenance.

A few years ago when I was an agricultural safety specialist in Minnesota’s Agricultural Engineering Department, my research team and I looked at more than 8,000 fires that had occurred over more than a decade. We dug into the details of 620 of these fires that happened from 1998-2000 and learned some important facts.

October is by far the highest risk month, based largely on the sheer number of hours spent in the field, often with little time to pay full attention to maintenance tasks. Mechanical failures like worn out bearings, slipping belts, etc. were the biggest cause followed by electrical system failure (arcing, sparking, overheating), and simple lack of maintenance. More than three-quarters (76.7%) of fires started in the engine area. While “crop residue” was most often the first material to catch on fire, IF the fire burned into a fuel, oil, or hydraulic line, losses were often catastrophic ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to full losses.

Keep your machine as clean as possible. Depending on the design of the machine and the condition of the crop, you will rapidly learn where crop material will tend to accumulate. Manually remove material and use an air compressor (and safety glasses) to blow off dust, chaff and other material as often as possible. If you notice any type of flickering of lights/instruments, unusual noises (from failing beartings or other mechanical components), or even small leaks in fuel or oil lines, diagnose and fix the problem immediately.

If your combine does catch on fire, pull immediately away from the standing crop and get the engine shut down as soon as you can safely do so. A running engine will continue to “fan” the fire and will often continue to pump liquid fuel into a burning area if you’ve ruptured an oil or diesel line. Get help onto the site immediately by calling 911. Provide the dispatcher with your exact location, staying on the line if necessary so that your location can be detected. Let the fire department dispatcher know you have a farm machinery fire so they can send the right equipment. Do not try to fight the fire with an extinguisher unless you are able to approach it safely.

Every grain combine should be equipped with two ABC dry chemical fire extinguishers – the larger, the better, but they should be AT LEAST 10-pounds with an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approval. One can be mounted in the cab, and one in an area where you can reach it from the ground without having to climb back into the machine. Check the pressure gauge on all extinguishers often. DO NOT try and test the extinguisher by “releasing” some of the chemical. It will effectively unseal the unit and requiring it to be recharged by a local fire department or other facility with the correct equipment. Many fire departments will also provide advice and will take a look at your extinguishers if you have any doubts or need other fire protection advice.

Finally, check with your insurance agent to make sure all your equipment is appropriately covered. A combine fire can easily cost $150,000 or more. The additional “downtime” can run thousands of dollars a day depending on crop prices, the capacity of your machinery, and the weather conditions. Take time to think about and reduce your risk before it’s too late!

John Shutske,

ANRE Program Director (and Professor, Biological Systems Engineering)

Effect of Freezing on Soybean Seed Yield and Composition

Greg Andrews from Pierce County received many texts from growers this morning that reported temps ranged from 23 to 29 across the county, 23 in valleys and 27-29 lasting from about 3am to 7am for much of the upland corn and soybean growing regions. His early observations in soybean fields with green stem and leaves indicated that cell rupture and wilting was already obvious (Images 1 and 2). The next question is how much yield loss will this injury translate to. Saliba et al. (1982). reported that the latest growth stage at which significant yield loss occurred due to freeze injury (80% leaf loss) ranged from R6.0 to R7.2 with an average growth stage of R6.6. For the most part the WI soybean crop is in the R6.5 to R7.5 growth stage. This suggests that there is a potential for yield loss, but the extent will be variety dependent. Saliba et al. (1982) also reported that the yield loss from this crop injury will be due to a reduction in seed size and not seed abortion. Lastly, Saliba et al. (1982) suggested no impact on seed protein or oil content when freeze injury occurred after R6.3.

Frost injury to soybean (photos courtesy of Bill Halfman)

Given the dairy industry in the state some growers may consider taking the soybean as a forage. Just remember to contact your crop insurance agent before you do anything.

Literature cited:

Saliba, M.R., L.E. Schrader, S.S. Hirano, and C.D. Upper. 1982. Effects of Freezing Field Grown Soybean Plants at Various Stages of Podfill on Yield and Seed Quality. Crop Science. 22:73-78.