The WSMB Free Soybean Cyst Nematode Testing Program is Back in 2024!

Damon Smith and Shawn P. Conley The WI Soybean Marketing Board…

Just the Facts Jack: Soybean Planting Date, Seeding Rate, Pre-Herbicide Timing, and Seed Treatment Recommendations

Blog article updated 4/3/2024 with pre-emergence herbicide information…
Image 4. WI Drought Map 2023

Where in the Deuce Did this Soybean Yield Come From?

Shawn Conley, Spyros Mourtzinis, John Gaska and Adam Roth: UW…

Soybean Disease Update

Sclerotinia Stem Rot: Over the past week, we have continued to…

Downy Mildew of Soybean

We have been receiving lots of reports of downy mildew of soybean…

The Year of the Yellow Bean

The 2009 soybean growing season has been filled with questions…

First Report of Dockage for DON

Yesterday (8/6), both Shawn and I received the first report of…

Options for hail damaged corn assessed as a total loss.

Hail in late July severely damaged much corn in Wisconsin. Some…

Scout Soybean Fields for Stressed Plants

We have started to receive some reports of stressed fields where…

Low Test Weight in Wheat

As wheat harvest is finally getting into full swing we are hearing…

K Deficiency and the Soybean Aphid

Given the high input costs for P and K in soybean many growers…

Estimating Yield Loss in Hail Damaged Soybean

Violent storms over the weekend caused significant hail…