Just the Facts Jack: Soybean Planting Date, Seeding Rate and Seed Treatment Recommendations
When I am asked a direct question from a farmer or a crop consultant…
The WSMB Free Soybean Cyst Nematode Testing Program is Back in 2023!
Ann MacGuidwin, Damon Smith and Shawn P. Conley
The WI Soybean…
Winners of the 2022 WI Soybean Yield Contest are Announced
Division 4:
1st Don and Doug Midthun,…
Finalists for the 2019 WI Soybean Yield Contest are Announced
The 2019 season had below average growing conditions for many…
Dealing with Wet Frozen Soybeans
Like many farmers the UW BeanTeam still has soybean sitting in…
Harvest Considerations for Variable Soybean Maturity
Variable soil types, knolls, flooding and ponding, variable planting…
High Value Straw and Weedy Wheat…What Do I Do?
Wet fields, thin stands and spotty winter-kill made spring weed…
A Tank Full of Sugar Helps the Profits Go Down
Adapted from original article written 6/1/2015.
Soybean and Corn are Considered Cover Crop Options in WI
Article written by Shawn P. Conley, Joe Lauer and Paul Mitchell
Are Your Beans "Feelin the Burn"?
Adapted from original article posted 6/10/2018 by Shawn P. Conley…