Unlocking Potential: Impact of New RMA Soybean Planting Dates in Wisconsin
Research across the Midwest has shown that early-planted soybean…

Scout Your Late and Re-Planted Soybean Fields for Rising Soybean Aphid Numbers
Shawn P. Conley and Christian Krupke
A majority of the Wisconsin…

A Tank Full of Sugar Helps the Profits Go Down
Adapted from original article written 6/1/2015.
Its been a…

Soybean Flowers, Herbicide Labels, and Wheel Track Damage...Oh My!
Authored by Shawn P. Conley and Rodrigo Werle
We are starting…

Soybean Replant Decisions: Just the Facts Jack!
The start of the #plant22 growing season has been significantly…

Winners of the 2021 WI Soybean Contest are Announced
Division 4:
1st Ron Digman, Mount Hope…

Best Management Practices for Growing Second or Third Year Soybean
Originally Coauthored by: Shawn P. Conley, Seth Naeve and John…

Finalists for the 2021 WI Soybean Yield Contest are Announced
The finalists for the 2021 WSA Soybean Yield Contest were announced…

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Will My Wheat and Soybean Crop Freeze and Fall?
Well folks its the end of May and frost is in the air. I figured…

The WSMB Free Soybean Cyst Nematode Testing Program is Back in 2021!
Ann MacGuidwin, Damon Smith and Shawn P. Conley
The WI Soybean…

Lab Methods for Soil Testing
Article written by: Emma Matcham, Matt Ruark, and Shawn P. Conley

Winners of the 2020 WI Soybean Contest are Announced
The 1st place winner in Division 4, Midthun Bros of Arlington,…