Soybean Replant Decisions Made Easy(ish)!

I think the message is out that farmers should consider planting…

Just the Facts Jack: Soybean Planting Date, Seeding Rate and Seed Treatment Recommendations

When I am asked a direct question from a farmer or a crop consultant…

The WSMB Free Soybean Cyst Nematode Testing Program is Back in 2023!

Ann MacGuidwin, Damon Smith and Shawn P. Conley The WI Soybean…

Bloomin Beans, Glyphosate, and Wheel Track Damage

The WI soybean crop ranges anywhere from just planted (JP) to…

Delayed Planting: Top Three Considerations for Switching Corn Acres to Soybean

A tremendous number of corn and soybean acres have been planted…

Recent Cold Temperatures will have Little Impact on WI Winter Wheat Crop

With cold temperatures predicted over the next few days (May…

Top 5 Recommendations for Soybean Establishment and Yield

I awoke this morning to the gleeful announcement from my two…

2014 WI Soybean Yield Contest is Announced

The Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board launches the 5th annual…

Factors to Consider While Assessing Your 2014 Winter Wheat Crop

As the snow begins to melt and we finally put the 2013/14 winter…

WSMB Continues Enhanced Nematode Testing Program for 2014

Four out of every five animals on earth today is a nematode…

Winners of the 2013 WI Soybean Yield Contest are Announced

The 1st place winner in Division 4, Dean Booth of Cuba City,…

Finalists for the 2013 WI Soybean Yield Contest are Announced

The 2013 growing season proved to be a challenge for many growers. …